“Elephant Essence”

“In the search to find an icon comparable to the spirit of a woman, the elephant was the elite choice. Natural leaders, lovers & educators, the elephant is our “spirit animal.”

In celebration of this great animal, here are a few fun facts about elephants (and why they reign supreme.)

  • Elephants comfort distressed friends by stroking them with their trunks.
  • The matriarchs are responsible for remembering the best places are for food and shelter.
  • A Matriarch of a herd will usually teach young calves how to behave.
  • Elephant families are led by the oldest female in the group.
  • Once a baby elephant is born, mothers have several “babysitters” to take care of the calf while, so she has time to eat and produce milk.

    What’s just a powerful as a woman conquering daily life? The female elephant.